Drizzle ORM Type Helpers

A couple type helpers to get a table's document type (when you SELECT) and the table's insert type (when you INSERT). Heavily inspired by convex.dev's Doc type.


The following snippet is made specifically for SQLite drivers, but for details for other drivers, see here

import type { InferInsertModel, InferSelectModel } from 'drizzle-orm'
import type { SQLiteTableWithColumns } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core'
import * as schema from './schema'
 * Filters out any relation definitions from your schema
type SchemaTableNames = {
  [TableOrRelationName in keyof typeof schema]: (typeof schema)[TableOrRelationName] extends SQLiteTableWithColumns<any>
    ? TableOrRelationName
    : never
}[keyof typeof schema]
type DBSelectTypeMap = {
  [TableName in SchemaTableNames]: InferSelectModel<(typeof schema)[TableName]>
 * Get the SELECT type for a table given it's export name in the drizzle schema.
export type Doc<TableName extends keyof DBSelectTypeMap> =
type DBInsertTypeMap = {
  [TableName in SchemaTableNames]: InferInsertModel<(typeof schema)[TableName]>
 * Get the INSERT type for a table given it's export name in the drizzle schema.
export type DocInsert<TableName extends keyof DBInsertTypeMap> =

Using with other drivers (e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL)

To use with other drivers (e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL), you'll need to replace the SQLiteTableWithColumns import statement and type with the corresponding one for the driver you're using:

  • PostgresSQL

    import type { PgTableWithColumns } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'
  • MySQL

    import type { MySqlTableWithColumns } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core'


import { int, sqliteTable, text } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core'
export const products = sqliteTable('products', {
  id: int('id').primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  description: text('description').notNull().default(''),
  price: int('price').notNull(),
import type { Doc, DocInsert } from '~/lib/db/types'
 * {
 *    id: number;
 *    name: string;
 *    description: string;
 *    price: number;
 * }
type Product = Doc<'products'>
 * {
 *    id?: number | undefined;
 *    name: string;
 *    description?: string | undefined;
 *    price: number;
 * }
type ProductInsert = DocInsert<'product'>
Created 03/01/24Updated 19/08/24
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