Mocking classes from mocked modules in Vitest tests

How to mock and expect on methods on classes from vi.mocked modules.

Method 1: The kinda hacky, but flexible way

This method is useful if you only want to mock specific methods on the class, and keep the others untouched, but has some limitations (see below the snippet).

import { describe, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import { ClassToMock } from './path/to/class/to/mock'
 * This line mocks the module so the actual class method doesn't get called
vi.mock('./path/to/class/to/mock', async importActual => {
  return {
     * Require the actual module
     * (optional, only if you want to keep the original methods too)
    ...(await importActual()),
describe('ThingThatUsesClassToMock', () => {
  it('should do the thing that I expect it to do :)', t => {
     * Spy on the method so you can `expect` on it later. You can also mock
     * the implementation here if you want - it works the same as a
     * normal mock.
    const methodSpy = vi.spyOn(
       * Spy on the class' prototype since that's where the actual function is.
       * The name of the method to mock / spy on
     * If you're mocking a static method, you can use the class directly instead
     * of its prototype.
    const staticMethodSpy = vi.spyOn(ClassToMock, 'staticMethod')
     * do the thing!!
     * expect based on the spy just like you'd expect on a mock!


This method will only work if the method is defined using the Method Definition syntax, and not as a property.

For example, this is valid:

class ValidClassToMock {
  methodThatWorks() {}

but theses aren't:

class InvalidClassToMock {
  arrowFunctionThatDoesNotWork = () => {}
  functionKeywordThatDoesNotWork = function () {}

This is because only the first method defines the class on the prototype of the class (and so the functions are shared between instances). The last two methods are created per-instance and are not defined on the class' prototype.

Method 2: The probably intended way

This is probably the way that was intended to mock imported classes, but it's less flexible - you need to always mock the whole class. Additionally, mocking static methods is kinda wonky.

import { describe, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import { ClassToMock } from './path/to/class/to/mock'
 * This mocks the module, and is where we'll mock the class' methods
vi.mock('./path/to/class/to/mock', async importActual => {
  return {
     * Require the actual module (optional)
    ...(await importActual()),
     * The name here should match the name of the import.
     * Use `default` if the class is a default export.
    ClassToMock: vi.fn().mockReturnValue({
       * This is the mock for the method, and is what you get when you call
       * `vi.mocked` below. Replace "method" with the name of the method
       * you're mocking.
      method: vi.fn(),
describe('ThingThatUsesClassToMock', () => {
  it('should do the thing that I expect it to do :)', t => {
     * We need to construct an instance of the class to get access to the mock
     * You could store the mock globally, and reference that but I think that's
     * kinda yuck
    const classInstance = new ClassToMock()
     * This gives you access to the mock function created in the module
     * mock above
    const methodMock = vi.mocked(classInstance.method)
     * do the thing!!
     * expect based on the mock

Mocking static methods

To mock static methods, you can use method 1 above, or you can forsake your gods and assign functions to the vi.fn mock constructor. For example:

 * This mocks the module, and is where we'll mock the class' methods
vi.mock('./path/to/class/to/mock', async importActual => {
   * Same as above, just extracted out to a variable
  const mockClassConstructor = vi.fn().mockReturnValue({
    method: vi.fn(),
  return {
     * Here, we're assigning properties to the mock function we made above
    ClassToMock: Object.assign(mockClassConstructor, {
       * This the mock for the static method. Replace "staticMethod" with the
       *  name of the method you're mocking.
      staticMethod: vi.fn(),
 * ... then, in your test
const staticMethodMock = vi.mock(ClassToMock.staticMethod)

Using vitest-mock-extended

You can use vitest-mock-extended's mock or mockDeep to mock all methods on the class at once:

import { vi } from 'vitest'
import { mock } from 'vitest-mock-extended'
import { ClassToMock } from './path/to/class/to/mock'
vi.mock('./path/to/class/to/mock', async importActual => {
  return {
    ClassToMock: vi.fn().mockReturnValue(
       * If your class has nested objects with function you want to mock,
       * you can use `mockDeep` instead.
 * ... other code the exact same


vitest-mock-extended doesn't mock static methods so you'll need to handle it separately using any of the methods above.

Created 13/02/24Updated 02/06/24
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