
Use the awesome, experimental View Transitions API safely, without needing to worry about whether it's available, or whether the user prefers reduced motion.

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// This block of code stops of the transition from happening if the user
// doesn't want it
const motionSafeMediaQuery = window.matchMedia(
  '(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)'
let motionSafe = motionSafeMediaQuery.matches
motionSafeMediaQuery.onchange = () => {
  motionSafe = motionSafeMediaQuery.matches
export type ViewTransitionCallback = () => void | Promise<void>
type ObjectWithStartViewTransition = {
  startViewTransition: (callback: ViewTransitionCallback) => void
export function safeViewTransition(callback: ViewTransitionCallback) {
  if (
    motionSafe &&
    typeof document !== 'undefined' &&
    'startViewTransition' in document
  ) {
    // Needed until TypeScript catches up
    const doc = document as unknown as ObjectWithStartViewTransition
  } else {
// This block of code stops of the transition from happening if the user
// doesn't want it
const motionSafeMediaQuery = window.matchMedia(
  '(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)'
let motionSafe = motionSafeMediaQuery.matches
motionSafeMediaQuery.onchange = () => {
  motionSafe = motionSafeMediaQuery.matches
export function safeViewTransition(callback) {
  if (
    motionSafe &&
    typeof document !== 'undefined' &&
    'startViewTransition' in document
  ) {
    // Needed until TypeScript catches up
    const doc = document
  } else {


safeViewTransition(() => {
  // update the DOM in here, and watch the magic happen!
safeViewTransition(() => {
  // update the DOM in here, and watch the magic happen!


Try these demoes in browsers that support the View Transitions API (e.g. Chromium based browsers, including Chrome, Brave, Arc) and ones that don't (e.g. Safari, Firefox) to see these demos gracefully handle when the API is unavailable. You can also try emulating the (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) media query (in Chrome, open the devtools, hit cmd/ctrl + shift + p, search for prefers-reduced-motion).

Vanilla JS

Vue 3

Created 11/07/23Updated 13/09/23
Found a mistake, or want to suggest an improvement? Source on GitHub here
and see edit history here